Utopian Society Project

We completed our Utopian Society Project!!!
Our Perfct World is called "Hakuna Matata".
It is the best place ever!
If you are interested to be a citizen of Hakuna Matata...
click here

Thursday 14 May 2009


good game:

Darfur is Dying

Sunday 10 May 2009

came back from Croatia trip!!

Came back from beautiful Croatia yesterday!
It was sooooooo nice!!!
I want to go there again ^^

Saturday 2 May 2009


today I bought new cap!
it's Nike's...I really like it^^
here is the picture of it

Thursday 30 April 2009

how can I make my posts as the links?

as the title.
how can I make my posts as the links?

how can I change BGM???

I noticed that this blog has a BGM today...
the song is for Chistmas...it doesn't fit to season lol
Does anyone know how to change it???

T & F

Today I ran 100m again. In PE class.
the time was 15.96...........it's slower than tomorrow><
maybe it's because today was like a summer day!!!
Everyone was tired when we finished sprint...

Tomorrow is Mayday and I have 4 days break, and then School Trip!!!
We are going to Croatia for 5 days. This will be interesting!
I'm exiting from now...
but before that, I'll enjoy my (almost) no homework break!^^
have a nice holidays everyone!

Wednesday 29 April 2009

T & F

Today I ran 100m sprint. the time was 15.39. It's not that fast.....
I have to practice more.
Some day, I want to have a record that 14 seconds something!